From worker-recovered companies to a Wealth Observatory: a bid to challenge the world economic system

The trajectory of a workers’ struggle that began in the trade union movement and worker-recovered factories in Argentina has led to a new debate about the global economy. Author: François Soulard, November 2016   The threat of climate change, the turbulence of global politics and the dénouement of forty years of expansion of neoliberal socioproductive…


Brazil and Argentina: Mobility of actions and ideas to tackle austerity and the return of authoritarianism

Let us summarize the red thread connecting various recent occurrences in Argentina and Brazil, occurrences that are only disconnected on the media surface. We are immersed in a significant process of change in the correlation of political forces pushing to reform the architecture of the State and the accumulation of wealth, a State that has…


Dynamism, Blending and a New Horizon of Free Software in South America

Beyond its umbilical association with the vast global electronic territory, free software has established a solid home base, even an “adopted” homeland, in Latin America. Far from being a chauvinist derivation, this metaphor nevertheless proves to be realistic enough to illustrate the singular fertility that has developed over the last twenty years between the free…


Argentina: Popular victory over the excesses of the global economy and new stage for a post neoliberal agenda

The persistence of the global crisis and the risks of reconstitution of an even more virulent globalised capitalism in the coming decades require a faster understanding of the new geopolitical landscape and building critical thinking on the basis of emerging experiences. Latin America, a stakeholder of a true “change of era”, has actively embraced these…


World Charter of Free Media

We, communicators and activists committed to multiple emancipatory communication practices across different regions of the world, freely assembled in March 2015 in Tunis, on the occasion of the 4th World Forum on Free Media, organized as part of the World Social Forum 2015, Adopt this World Charter of Free Media, as the result of our…
